Iris Bahr podcast interview
Curb Your Enthusiasm actress Iris Bahr is also a comedian! And a writer! And she's funny. She invites Kara to sit down in her Greenwich Village, NY, apartment to chat about her new book with JB Smoove, her TV series with Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban, Funny or Die, being a single mom, online dating, social media, public speaking and more.
Available free on Apple Podcasts, iTunes and most smartphone podcast apps.
Really Famous podcast episode #22
iris bahr
Actress, Comedian, Writer
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Code Black, Elementary, Revenge, The Big Bang Theory
what iris says on really famous
“What did I learn? You can’t escape your schmutz. Everything is a mirror.”
“I tried Pilates once and I cried afterwards. ”
“I was the two dudes. ”
“I’ve been told a million times, when I first moved to LA, you’re not pretty enough. ”
“I’d rather be alone than deal with this schmutz.”