Really Famous with Kara Mayer Robinson

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My NYT piece with Spike Lee is here!

Here’s a #bts look at my piece in the New York Times (online & in print!).

I interviewed Spike about his #sundayroutine ... then @elias.williams took on the #photoshoot at Spike’s #fortgreene#brooklyn office. It was quite something! Quite! We talked alarm clocks, sugary cereal, #radiocitymusichall #onthewaterfront#byebyebirdie etc and, well, I walk through my experience with #michaelimperioli on a new episode of my #podcast ... so if you want to know how it/I felt, you can hear me tell it all to Michael. (Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or just click the link in my bio.)
See my #NYT pice with #spikelee here:

PS This was a longggg time in the making. #Booking celebrities takes time. And persistence. And patience. And it’s worth every ounce. .

I explain what went into it in this quickie video: