Really Famous with Kara Mayer Robinson

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Uma Thurman + Elisabeth Moss + Kristin Chenoweth

Twist! I reached into my archives for this, friends.

Back in the day, I interviewed these three iconic women: Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill), Elisabeth Moss (The Handmaid's Tale, Mad Men) and Kristin Chenoweth (Glee, Pushing Daisies).

These were VERY DIFFERENT interviews from my podcast talks because (a) back then, I was primarily a writer and a therapist, (b) I was only beginning to develop my interviewing style, (c) they were for written articles, or profiles, for magazines, so the purpose was different, and (d) I didn't have actual podcasting equipment yet; just a tiny microrecorder (which wasn't a match for the loud restaurant in which I met Elisabeth Moss, unfortunately).

Anyway, I think you'll enjoy these. They have a rough, behind-the-scenes quality. And these women, wow. Icons. Layered. Real. Women.

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